Part 2: Component everywhere!

Step 1: file separation

  1. Rename HelloWorld.vue by QuestionList.vue. Don't forget to update the router file too!
  2. Create a new file QuestionListItem.vue and put inside the <div class="comment"> from the previous file.

Step 2: passing properties to subcomponents

Here's how to pass properties between 2 components parent-child where TodoList represent the parent and TodoListItem represent the childrens.

  • QuestionList.vue

        <div class="ui container">
          <div class="ui comments" v-for="question in questions" :key="question.question_id">
            <question-list-item :question="question" />
      import QuestionListItem from './QuestionListItem'
      export default {
        name: 'QuestionList',
        components: {
        data () {
          return {
            todos: {
              /* ... */
  • QuestionListItem.vue

        <!-- content -->
      export default {
        name: 'QuestionListItem',
        props: {
          todo: {
            type: Object



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