Maxence Poutord - @_maxpou
DublinJS, Dublin, September 2018
Maxence Poutord - @_maxpou
DublinJS, Dublin, September 2018
More than 75% of App Downloads Open an App Once And Never Come Back
Source: comScore Mobile Metrix June 2015
1 page = 1 link
53% of users bounce if sites load > 3s
Chrome create APK / Web APK (Android)
Please: ask only when needed.
"The best request is no request"
Source: A Pinterest PWA Performance Case Study by @addyosmani
My definition of PWA
"Just websites that took all the right vitamins"
- Alex Russell
@google, @mozilla, @Microsoft , @samsung and @opera on stage for #pwadevsummit Q&A session !
— Nicolas Inchauspé (@nicoinch) June 21, 2016
3 subdomains = 3 Service Workers
Think With Google: Potential Revenue Impact Calculator
Playing with Google Maps #PWA
— Maxence Poutord (@_maxpou) June 21, 2018