... and also curying, function composition, referential integrity...
In FP, there is NO variables
var heroName = 'Logan'
heroName = 'Groot' // 🚫 Unauthorized!
class Hero {
constructor () {
this.color = 'beige'
this.strengh = 1
hulkify () {
this.color = 'green'
this.strengh = 1000
const bruceBanner = new Hero()
// ... do something ...
// ... do something ...
bruceBanner.hulkify() // bring mutation
// ... do something ...
const today = moment() const nextYear = today.add(1, 'years')
today === nextYear // true
function plusOneYear (aDate) { return aDate.add(1, 'years') }
const today = moment() const nextYear = plusOneYear(today) day === nextYear // true
var squadAlpha = [] for (let i=0; i < heroes.length; i++) { if (!heroes[i].isEvil && heroes[i].family !== 'DC Comics') { squadAlpha.push(stringifyHero(heroes[i])) } }
// vs. const squadAlphaStr = heroes .filter(hero => !hero.isEvil && hero.family !== 'DC Comics') .map(hero => stringifyHero(hero))
Note: .map(), .filter() and .reduce() return a new array
var hero = {
name: 'Daredevil',
location: {
city: 'New York',
district: 'Kitchen Hell'
const hero = {
name: 'Daredevil',
location: {
city: 'New York',
district: 'Kitchen Hell'
hero = {
name: 'The Punisher'
// Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable
hero.name = 'The Punisher'
console.log(hero) // Object {name: "The Punisher"}
That's not a reason not to use it!
const hero = {
name: 'Daredevil',
location: {
city: 'New York',
district: 'Kitchen Hell'
const copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(hero))
const hero = {
name: 'Daredevil',
sayHello: () => 'hello',
theUndefinedProperty: undefined,
symbol: Symbol()
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(hero)) // "{"name":"Daredevil"}"
In array, Non-stringifiable are replaced by null
const daredevil = {
friends: [daredevil]
// Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
hero.weapon = 'staff'
console.log(hero.weapon) // undefined
hero.location.people = 1000000000
console.log(hero.location.people) // undefined
hero.name = 'Jessica Jones'
console.log(hero.name === 'Jessica Jones') // false
hero.location.city = 'Dublin'
console.log(hero.location.city === 'Dublin') // true
const copy = Object.assign({}, hero)
copy.name = 'Jessica Jones'
console.log(hero.name === 'Jessica Jones') // false
copy.location.city = 'Dublin'
console.log(hero.location.city === 'Dublin') // true
const newHero = {
name: 'The Punisher'
console.log(hero.name === newHero.name) // false
newHero.location.district = 'Central Park'
console.log(hero.location === newHero.location) // true
const heroes = [
{ name: 'Daredevil', isReady: false, /* ... others properties ... */ },
{ name: 'Jessica Jones', isReady: false, /* ... others properties ... */ },
{ name: 'Hulk', isReady: false, /* ... others properties ... */ },
{ name: 'Gandalf', isReady: true, /* ... others properties ... */ },
(100 000 heroes)
By Facebook
import Immutable from "Immutable"
const list = Immutable.List()
const map = Immutable.Map()
const stack = Immutable.Stack()
const record = Immutable.Record()
const seq = Immutable.Seq()
const immutableHero = Immutable.fromJS(hero)
const plainJsHero = immutableHero.toJS()
const Immutable = require('../js/immutable.min.js')
const heroSchedule = Immutable.Map({
Monday: "Training",
Tuesday: 'Training',
Wednesday: 'Going out',
Thursday: 'Find something to do',
Friday: 'Prepare for the battle',
Saturday: 'Save the world',
Sunday: 'Relax'
const mondayActivity = heroSchedule.get("Monday")
const scheduleWithPizza = heroSchedule.set("Friday", "Pizza")
const hasFriday = heroSchedule.has("Friday")
const Immutable = require('../js/immutable.min.js')
const heroes = [
{ name: 'Batman', family: 'DC Comics', isEvil: false },
{ name: 'Harley Quinn', family: 'DC Comics', isEvil: true },
{ name: 'Legolas', family: 'Tolkien', isEvil: false },
{ name: 'Gandalf', family: 'Tolkien', isEvil: false },
{ name: 'Saruman', family: 'Tolkien', isEvil: true }
const marvel = [
{ name: 'Wolverine', family: 'Marvel', isEvil: false },
{ name: 'Deadpool', family: 'Marvel', isEvil: false },
{ name: 'Magneto', family: 'Marvel', isEvil: true },
{ name: 'Charles Xavier', family: 'Marvel', isEvil: false },
const newList = Immutable
.insert(null, {name: "Groot", family: "Marvel", isEvil: false})
.map(item => {
return Immutable.Map(item).set('name', Immutable.Map(item).get('name').toUpperCase())
Immutable (Object.assign)
Object: read (x500000): 17 ms
Object: write (x100000): 107 ms
Object: deep read (x500000): 8 ms
Object: deep write (x100000): 215 ms
Object: very deep read (x500000): 49 ms
Object: very deep write (x100000): 290 ms
Object: merge (x100000): 137 ms
Array: read (x500000): 9 ms
Array: write (x100000): 542 ms
Array: deep read (x500000): 10 ms
Array: deep write (x100000): 519 ms
Total elapsed = 1903 ms = 93 ms (read) + 1810 ms (write).
Immutable (immutable.js)
Object: read (x500000): 16 ms
Object: write (x100000): 42 ms
Object: deep read (x500000): 125 ms
Object: deep write (x100000): 104 ms
Object: very deep read (x500000): 215 ms
Object: very deep write (x100000): 174 ms
Object: merge (x100000): 520 ms
Array: read (x500000): 20 ms
Array: write (x100000): 109 ms
Array: deep read (x500000): 103 ms
Array: deep write (x100000): 182 ms
Total elapsed = 1610 ms = 479 ms (read) + 1131 ms (write).
Immutable (Object.assign) + deep freeze
Object: read (x500000): 18 ms
Object: write (x100000): 230 ms
Object: deep read (x500000): 29 ms
Object: deep write (x100000): 429 ms
Object: very deep read (x500000): 45 ms
Object: very deep write (x100000): 641 ms
Object: merge (x100000): 249 ms
Array: read (x500000): 13 ms
Array: write (x100000): 14352 ms
Array: deep read (x500000): 35 ms
Array: deep write (x100000): 13571 ms
Total elapsed = 29612 ms = 140 ms (read) + 29472 ms (write).
// node v8.2.1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz
Example: git, CQRS...